Fachbereich 7

Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft

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PLP: Academic Writing

DozentIn: M.A., dip. TEFL Robert John Murphy

Veranstaltungstyp: Seminar

Ort: 11/116

Zeiten: Do. 08:00 - 10:00 (wöchentlich)

Beschreibung: Please note that you will initially be allotted to only one PLP class through the Stud.IP system. You will, however, be able to attend more than one PLP class if you choose. Students will be allotted to further PLP classes in a second allocation round in which PLP class sizes will be expanded from 15 to 20 students. This second allocation round will take place in early October and will be conducted manually by Linda Wright. The more PLP classes you sign up for, the better your chances are to attend multiple PLP classes in one semester. While there is no limit to how many PLP classes you can attend in one semester, you will likely be able to attend at least two and a maximum of three PLP classes.

Class Category: PLP K1, K2, K4
Contrary to what the title of this course might imply, it is not primarily a writing course. You learn to write academic texts elsewhere. Instead, the primary intention of this course is to give you experience of reading academic texts and studying how the professionals express themselves as they present their research. Before attending this course, you will already have acquired a solid understanding of the methods and theories of writing in your ALP classes. Now we can see how some of the most skilled experts in writing apply the principles you already know to highly complex ideas and arguments. So this is primarily a reading course. If you have already gained experience in analytical reading from either my Stylistics class or Advanced Reading class, so much the better. To pass this class, you will select a piece of excellent academic writing in English and present it to the class. Your grade will be based on this presentation (50%) and writing tasks (50%) that I set you at the end of the semester.

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