China's border disputes in the framework of trade-peace relationship
DozentIn: Prof. Dr. Daniel Mertens
Veranstaltungstyp: Blockseminar
Ort: 02/109: Mittwoch, 08.11.2023 16:00 - 20:00, 15/133: Donnerstag, 09.11.2023 16:00 - 20:00
Zeiten: Termine am Mittwoch, 08.11.2023 - Donnerstag, 09.11.2023 16:00 - 20:00, Ort: 02/109, 15/133
Beschreibung: The seminar will be held by Res. Ass. PhD Aslı Topsoy from Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University in Turkey, who is visiting Osnabrück University as a guest lecturer in the framework of an Erasmus teaching mobility.
Course description:
The main topic of the seminar series is to examine how China's position as the world's second-largest trading nation has affected the border disputes with its neighboring states in the context of the trade- peace relationship.
In his book "The Rise of the Trading State" (1986), Richard Rosecrance coined the concept of the "trading state", which basically defines the interests of states by trade relations rather than expanding its borders. In recent years, China has become the world's largest exporter, but it also borders the largest number of countries in the world. It has border problems with almost all of its neighbors. This raises the questions of whether "the increase in China's trade has contributed to the solution of its border problems?", "Do states refrain from expanding their borders when their interests are defined by economic activities?", and "What is the validity of Rosecrance's 'trading state' concept?"
Seminars will start with the theoretical debate on trade-peace relationship. Effects of developing trade relations on peace would be analyzed.
China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which is announced in 2012, primarily aims to improve the logistics network. On the other hand, as a cross-border project, it also requires the solution of border disputes in order for the project to work. In this seminars, China's border disputes with the states on the BRI route would be analyzed under three main categories according to regions.
The first one is the Central Asian states that form China's western border, the second one is the South Asian states on China's southern border, and the final one is the states bordering the South China Sea (SCS) which is the maritime route of the BRI. China has resolved border disputes with Central Asian states, while disputes in South Asia and the SCS remain unresolved.