M.A., dip. TEFL Robert John Murphy
Neuer Graben 40
49069 Osnabrück
Raum: 41/106
Tel.: +49 541 969-4444
E-Mail: rmurphy@uni-osnabrueck.de
Sommersemester 2024
Wintersemester 2023/24
University of Kent at Canterbury (GB) reading German and English. In 1991 awarded Bachelor of Arts degree, upper second class joint honours.
Year abroad as part of BA degree at the Friedrich Schiller Universität, Jena, German Democratic Republic, studying German and the end of the GDR.
University of Alberta (Edmonton) Canada, studying for a Master of Arts degree in German Literature, with a thesis entitled "The Continuity and Consistency of Hans Magnus Enzensberger's Political Development in his Poetry and Essays". Degree awarded in September 1992.
Exeter University (GB) PGCE teacher training course, including secondary school teaching in Exeter and Yeovil (Somerset).
Universität Osnabrück, Germany. Lektor for English Language and Cultural Studies.
Summer 1993
Teacher for the summer course in Braunschweig organized by Bildung und Begabung e.V. for particularly gifted teenagers. 16-day course on James Joyce's Dubliners.
TEFL diploma acquired through correspondence course, ELC, London.
From March 2012: Qualification as staatlich geprüfter Übersetzer [State Accredited Translator English/ German] at the Akad University Stuttgart
Nomination Hans Mühlenhoff-Preis der Universität Osnabrück für gute akademische Lehre
- 2001
- Renominated in 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2013.
Notable milestones since 1993 as Lektor
- In charge of European student exchange programme for English department (Erasmus/Socrates) 1995-2005.
- In charge of implementing European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in the faculty. ECTS representative for the faculty since its inception in 1997 until 2005.
- Establishment of a teaching exchange with Université Catholique de l'Ouest in Angers, France, in 1997, based upon the literature of the English Romantic age.
- Organiser of an exchange between Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas, and the Universität Osnabrück May 2001. Two-week return stay in Texas in February 2002.
- Head of English Department, 2001-2002, Deputy Head 2002-2003.
- Head of English Depatment 2003-2004.
- Member of several search committees for vacant English professorships.
- Member of several search committees for Lektoren and secretaries.
- Member of Fachbereichsrat 2003-2009.
"Die Kultur der schottischen Musik." Deutsche Schottlandbilder: Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte. Ed. Siebers et al. Osnabrück: Rasch, 1998. 97-108.