New Black Aesthetic: Post-Civil Rights African American Fiction
DozentIn: Jatin Wagle
Veranstaltungstyp: Seminar
Ort: 41/E07
Zeiten: Do. 14:00 - 16:00 (wöchentlich)
Beschreibung: What is meant by New Black or “post-soul” aesthetic? Such expressions have been employed by Trey Ellis (“The New Black Aesthetic,” 1989) and Nelson George (_Buppies, B-Boys, Baps, and Bohos: Notes on Post-Soul Black Culture_, 1992) among others to demarcate the social experiences as well as literary and cultural expressions of African-Americans who came of age in the post-civil rights era. They also refer to a complex, almost ambivalent relationship with older genres, forms, and themes that dominated African-American literature in the first half of the twentieth century. In this course in American Studies, we will explore African American literary and cultural production in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, by taking up an array of critical, analytical, and literary texts.
In order to take and enjoy this class, you should be willing to read, analyze, and discuss historical and analytical texts, as well as texts of narrative fiction.
This course takes up literary/cultural texts that might be viewed as offensive and/or disturbing, especially because of their racially explicit vocabulary and imagery. This should not be seen as an attempt at normalizing racist epithets or attitudes, but on the contrary as an opportunity to appreciate and examine literary and cultural expression that tackles and critiques the murky realities of racism.
As part of your assigned work in this seminar, all the course participants would need to carefully prepare the reading(s) allotted for a session, develop points of discussion, and occasionally respond to the reading(s) via annotations on Google Docs. Our weekly, in-person meetings will be assisted by expert groups/session presenters.
Requirements for a grade (ANG-V-LK, or ANG-SI-Komp. 1 and 2; ANG-V1): All of the above and a research-based seminar paper.
Please check the course webpages on Stud.IP regularly for updates, announcements, and changes.
Apart from other mandatory readings, we will take up the following text as primary reading:
Percival Everett, _Erasure_ (2001) [Faber, 2021, ISBN: 9780571370894]
Please procure a copy and start reading it.
Prerequisites for participation: ANG-B1/ANG-B-LK module