U.S.-American Literature and Culture in the Long 19th Century
DozentIn: Prof. Dr. phil. Peter Schneck
Veranstaltungstyp: Vorlesung
Ort: 15/E16: Mi. 10:00 - 12:00 (13x), 15/128: Mi. 10:00 - 12:00 (1x)
Zeiten: Mi. 10:00 - 12:00 (wöchentlich), Ort: 15/E16, 15/128
Beschreibung: The 19th century marks an essential and formative period in U.S.-American political, social and cultural history. Living through what could be called both a belated and an accelerated process of urbanization, industrialization and modernization, Americans responded to the particular challenge of the 'coming of age' of their nation with creating some of the most powerful myths and narratives of cultural self-definition and empowerment. The lecture series will take a close look at some of the major texts and contexts between the age of Romanticism and the emergence of Modernism (1800-1900).
Students who attending this course as a required part of their study program for a grade have to take part in the final written exam. Students who want to obtain a Studienleistung without a grade should consult their module description whether they have to pass the written exam. EAS Master students may take this course as part of the ANG-F-SP module for graded or ungraded credit by taking the written exam. Master students enrolled in other programs (LKE, European Studies etc.) or exchange students from other universities (Erasmus and others) will need to take the exam in order to obtain a grade and / or pass the course.