
Karin Kokorski, M.A.
Fachbereich 7: Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
Neuer Graben 40
49074 Osnabrück
E-Mail: kakokors@uni-osnabrueck.de
Wintersemester 2024/25
Sommersemester 2024
Curriculum Vitae
2009 – present: PhD student at the University of Osnabrueck (PhD thesis centres around the aspects of war and its justification in fantastic literature for children and young adults), Research Assistant at the Institute for English and American Studies at the University of Osnabrueck
2003 – 2009: Student at the University of Osnabrueck (English and Literature)
2005/09 – 2006/02 Studies at the University of Hull, Great Britain
2009/10 – 2015/07: Assistant Professor at the University of Osnabrueck
Lecturer of:
Winter Term 2014/2015 The Bronte Sisters
Summer Term 2014 Power Structures in YA Fiction
Winter Term 2013/14 Study Skills
Winter Term 2012/13 Study Skills
World(s) of Fantasy Fiction
Summer Term 2012 Female Identity in Literature and Culture
Winter Term 2011/12 Study Skills
Winter Term 2010/11 Study Skills
Summer Term 2010 Modern Fairy Tales
Summer Term 2010 Survey Course: Literature and Culture of English-Speaking Countries (co-chaired)
Winter Term 2009/10 Study Skills
2014/07/22 Student Academy of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
2014/07/19 Student Conference of Children's Literature; University of Osnabrück and Gymnasium Bersenbrück (organization and implementation)
2009/07 – 2009/09 Translation work for the Student Service Organization of the University of Osnabrueck
2008/01 – 2008/03 Internship at the Goethe-Institut Los Angeles, USA
Kokorski, Karin. “‘Death is but the next great adventure’ – Representations of Death and the Afterlife in Fantastic Literature for Children’s and Young Adults” Death Representations in Literature: Forms and Theories. Ed. Adriana Teodorescu. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. Print.
Kokorski, Karin. "I Want More! The Insatiable Villain in Literature for Children and Young Adults". Villains and Heroes or Villains as Heroes. Ed. Luke Seaber. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2012. Print.
Kokorski, Karin. “Villains but no Criminals?! Selected Heroes and Villains in Fantasy Fiction for Children and Young Adults” The Real and the Reflected: Heroes and Villains in Existent and Imagined Worlds. Ed. Rachel Franks and Susan Meindl. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2012. 141-150. Web.
Kokorski, Karin. “It’s Magical! Supernatural Elements in Children’s Literature and Young Adults’ Fiction.” Collisions of Realities – Establishing Research on the Fantastic in Europe. Eds. Lars Schmeink, and Astrid Börger. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012. Print.
Kokorski, Karin. Rev of Token of Darkness, by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. San Diego State University. Department of English and Comparative Literature. National Center for the Study of Children’s Literature. Fall 2011. Web.
Kokorski, Karin. "I Want More! The Insatiable Villain in Children’s Literature and Young Adults’ Fiction." Villains. Global Perspectives on Villains and Villainy Today. Eds. Burcu Genc and Corinna Lenhardt. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2011. 147-154. PDF file. http://www.inter-disciplinary.net/publishing/id-press/ebooks/villains/
Kokorski, Karin. "The Invisible Threat. Symbolic Violence in Children's Literature and Young Adults' Fiction" in Kullmann, Thomas (ed.) Violence in English Children's and Young Adults' Fiction. Aachen: Shaker, 2010. 189-203. Print.
2015/03 ICFA 36: The Scientific Imagination, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
“Mudblood, Half-blood, Pure-blood – (Pseudo-) Science in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Series”
2014/03 ICFA 35: Fantastic Empires, Orlando, Florida, USA
“The Good, the Bad and the Necessary Change – Rightful Rulers in Children’s and YA Fantasy Fiction”
2013/03 ICFA 34: Fantastic Transformations, Adaptations and Audiences, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
"Redecorating the Audiences' Minds - The Harry Potter Books and their Adaptations"
2011/09 Heroes & Villains. Justice & Punishment, Interdisciplany.Net, Oxford, GB
“Villains but no criminals?! Selected Villains in Fantasy Fiction for Children and Young Adults”
2011/04 PCA/ACA & Southwest/Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Associations, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A
"“Damsel in Distress? Thanks, but no thanks!” – The new Heroines in Fantasy Literature for Children and Young Adults"
2011/03 ICFA 33: The Fantastic Ridiculous, International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
"Isn’t reading fun?! – Metafictional humour in Amanda Hemingway’s Sangreal-trilogy"
2010/10 Fremde Welten. Wege und Räume der Fantastik im 21. Jahrhundert, Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung, Hamburg, Germany
"It's Magical! Supernatural Elements in Children's Literature and Young Adults' Fiction"
2010/09 2nd Global Conference on Villains and Villainy, Interdisciplinary.Net, Oriel College, Oxford, GB
"I Want More! The Insatiable Villain in Literature for Children and Young Adults"
2010/09 Worlds of Violence, University of Essex, GB
"For there is a war coming. Violence in Children's and Young Adults' Literature"
2009/09 Forms of Violence in Children's Literature and Young Adults' Fiction, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
"The Invisible Threat. Symbolic Violence in Children's Literature and Young Adults' Fiction"
2015/03 Grantee of the Universitätsgesellschaft Osnabrück e.V.
2015/02/16 - 2015/02/20 EU- Bildungsprogramm Erasmus+ - Personalmobilität zu Lehrzwecken (Staff Mobility for Teaching) 2014/2015
2014/2015 Finalist Marie Sklodowska Curie actions - Research Fellowship Programme
2014/03 Grantee of the Universitätsgesellschaft Osnabrück e.V.
2013/03 Grantee of the Universitätsgesellschaft Osnabrück e.V.
2011/09 Grantee of the Universitätsgesellschaft Osnabrück e.V.
2011/01 – 2011/07 Fulbright Grantee at San Diego State University, U.S.
Arbeitsschwerpunkte und Forschung
Children's Literature
The Fantastic
Modern Fairy Tales
Interfaces between literary studies and sociology