
Jatin Wagle
Neuer Graben 40
49069 Osnabrück
Raum: 41/119
Tel.: +49 541 969-6033
E-Mail: jatin.wagle@uni-osnabrueck.de
Sprechzeiten: Fr 11:00 - 12:00 (Online; Anmeldung erforderlich)
Wintersemester 2024/25
- Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies [MON]
- Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies [TUE1]
- Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies [TUE2]
- New Black Aesthetic: Post-Civil Rights African American Fiction
- Popular Cultures and Digital Media
- Stories as Archives: American Literary Fiction as Documentation
- Writing the Wrongs: Modern Prison Narratives in the United States
Sommersemester 2024
- African-American Literature and Migration
- Concepts and Interpretations [THU]
- Concepts and Interpretations [TUE]
- Digital Storytelling and Cultural Studies
- English and American Literatures and Cultures: A Historical Survey
- Life Writings and American Literature
- Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft in Europa: Theorien, Modelle, Konzepte (Ringvorlesung) [X-LKE-1]
Research Interests
Critical theory of society [Kritische Theorie der Gesellschaft]
Exile, translation, and transatlantic intellectual travel
Migrant narratives and archives
Social memory Studies, and post/colonial conceptions of time and history
Curriculum Vitae
4/2016 -
Lecturer [Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben], IfAA, University of Osnabrück
4/2014 -
Lecturer [Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter], IfAA, University of Osnabrück
4/2012 – 3/2014
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben), Institute for English and American Studies, University of Osnabrück
4/2010 – 3/2012
Visiting Lecturer [Lehrbeauftragter], American Studies, Leibniz University of Hannover (LUH)
10/2008 – 10/2009
Student Assistant [Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft], American Studies, LUH
4/2009 – 9/2009
Visiting Lecturer [Lehrbeauftragter], American Studies, Institute for English & American Studies, University of Hamburg
5/1996 – 4/2008
Senior Lecturer (Tenured position), SIES College, Mumbai, India
5/1995 – 4/2006
Visiting Lecturer, Department of English, University of Mumbai, India
2016 –
Research toward Dr. Phil. at University of Osnabrück, in American Studies
Interdisciplinary project titled “The (Un)Translatability of Adorno in the Context of his American Exile”.
Master of Arts, English Literature & Aesthetics, University of Bombay (Mumbai), India
2010 – 2011
German Academic Exchange Service [DAAD] Fellowship for Doctoral Students, Leibniz University of Hannover
2006 – 2010
Doctoral Fellowship, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Berlin
2000 –2001
Assistant Editor, New Quest: Interdisciplinary Journal of Society and Culture, Mumbai, India
1996 – 2002
Joint Editor, Bombay English Association Magazine, BEAM, Mumbai
Academic Publications (Selection)
Theorizing Social Memories: Concepts and Contexts. Ed. with Gerd Sebald. London & New York: Routledge, 2016. Routledge Advances in Sociology.
“The Heterogeneous Time of the Postcolonial: Inverted Memories of Hitler in India.” Theorizing Social Memories: Concepts and Contexts. Ed. Gerd Sebald and Jatin Wagle. London & New York: Routledge, 2016. 98-106.
“Of Unequal Immigrations: Adorno’s Transatlantic Intellectual Transfer.” Innovation – Konvention: Transdisziplinäre Beiträge zu einem kulturellen Spannungsfeld. Ed. Dennis Büscher-Ulbrich, Stefanie Kadenbach and Martin Kindermann. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2013. 187-213.
“The Ethics of Non-Identity: Adorno’s Exile and Intellectual Translation.” Ethik – Anerkennung – Gerechtigkeit: Philosophische, literarische und gesellschaftliche Perspektiven. Ed. Antje Kley, Alexandra Böhm and Mark Schönleben. Munich: Fink, 2011. 351-67.
“The Untranslatability of Adorno: Exile, Alterity and Non-Identity.” Ways of Knowing: (Un)Doing Methodologies, Imagining Alternatives in the Humanities. Ed. Carolyn Birdsall, Maria Boletsi, Itay Sapir and Pieter Verstraete. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2009. 137-56.
“The (Un)Translatability of Exile: Reassessing the Ambiguities of Adorno’s American Experience.” CircularFlows: Capillaries of World Culture. Ed. Markus Gottwald, Matthias Klemm and Birgit Schulte. Berlin: LIT-Verlag, 2007. 245-61.
“Event, Narratives and Histories: Staging an Interpretive Encounter.” New Directions in Comparative Literature. Ed. Rambhau Badode, Afzal Khan and Arvind Mardikar. New Delhi: MacMillan, 2007. 120-37.
“MAVA: Men’s Movement for Gender Justice.” Breaking the Moulds: Indian men look at patriarchy looking at men. Ed. R. P. Ravindra, H. Sadani, V. M. Geethali and S. N. Mukund. New Delhi: Books for Change, 2007. 242-54.
“The Untranslatable Translated: Exploring the Cultural Problematik of the English Language Reception of Adorno.” GrenzGänge – BorderCrossings. Kulturtheoretische Perspektiven. Ed. Gerd Sebald, Michael Popp, Jan Weyand. Berlin: LIT-Verlag, 2006. 122-40.
“Resistant Forms and Critical Subjectivities: Reading Adorno in Our Times and Other Languages.” Re/defining the Matrix: Reflections on Time - Space - Agency. Ed. Anke Bartels, Michael Schulze and Agata Stopinska. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang, 2006. 149-62.
“Structure and Discourse: Reading the ‘Political Unconscious’ of History” Historiography: Past and Present. Ed. K. K. Shah and M. Sangle, Jaipur: Rawat Publications, 2005. 102-17.
Academic Presentations (Selection)
“The Non-identical Movement: Adorno’s Transatlantic Intellectual Transfer.” February 2021. Department of German and Slavic Languages and Literatures, Pennsylvania State University (online lecture).
“Traveling Critical Theory: T. W. Adorno’s Transatlantic Passages.” 16th International Summer University. August 2013. Ben Gurion University of Negev, Be'er Sheva, Israel.
“Of Unequal Emigrations: The Politics of Adorno’s Translatability.” 6th International Critical Theory Conference. May 2013. Rome Center of Loyola University Chicago, Rome, Italy.
“Imagined Hitlers: Exploring the Indian Elite’s Fascination with Hitler and Nazi Germany.” Fortzusetzen: Neue Konstellationen Kritischer Theorie. February 2011. Institute for Sociology, Leibniz University of Hannover (LUH).
“Translatability and the Language of Exile: Rereading T. W. Adorno’s American Writings.” Kritische Perspektiven: Turns, Trends und Theorien. November 2009. Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen/Nuremberg (FAU).
“Intellectual Transfer and the Con(Texts) of Exile: Rereading T. W. Adorno’s Émigré Writings.” Transforma: Moving (Con)Texts. Production and Circulation of Ideas in the Global Knowledge Economy. July 2009. Otto-von-Guericke-University of Magdeburg (OvGU).
“India: A Society in Transition.” December 2007. Institute for Political Science, LUH.
“The (Un)translatability of Exile: Reconsidering Adorno’s Émigré Experience in the United States.” November 2007. Interdisciplinary Colloquium. University of Flensburg.
“Ethics of Cultural Translation: Adorno’s exile and the Manifestation of the Non-Identical.” Ethik und/oder Gerechtigkeit nach der Postmoderne. November 2007. FAU.
““...the existence of something non-identical”: Adorno and the Exilic Experience of Translation.” American Studies Doctoral Students’ Conference. September 2007. LUH.
“The Changing Structures of Democratic Politics in India.” September 2007. Institute for Political Science, OvGU.
“The (Un)translatability of Exile: Reassessing Adorno’s American Experience.” Doctoral Forum. June 2007. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Berlin.
“Imagined Hitlers: Indian Elite’s Fascination with Hitler and the Nazi Germany.” June 2007. Institute for English Studies, OvGU.
“The Untranslatability of Adorno: Exile, Alterity and Non-identity.” Inside Knowledge: (Un)Doing Methodologies, Imagining Alternatives. March 2007. Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA), Amsterdam.
“Permanent Exile and Temporal Translation: Reassessing the Ambiguities of Adorno's American Experience”. Kreis-Läufe. Kapillaren der Weltkultur. November 2006. FAU.
“Resistant Forms and Critical Subjectivities: Reading Adorno in Our Times and Other Languages”. Transforma: Zeit - Raum – Agency. July 2005. OvGU.
“The Other City: Voices of Contestation”. Re-Visioning Mumbai. March 2005. Asiatic Society of Mumbai.