Fachbereich 7

Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft

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[Master Seminar] Economic growth, well-being and environmental quality
DozentIn:Dr. Marieke Baaken, Thomas Rellensmann
Veranstaltungstyp:Seminar (Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen)
Ort:22/104: Di. 16:00 - 18:00 (1x), (22/104): Dienstag, 21.11.2023 16:15 - 17:45, 41/B11: Dienstag, 28.11.2023, Dienstag, 05.12.2023, Dienstag, 12.12.2023, Dienstag, 09.01.2024, Dienstag, 16.01.2024, Dienstag, 23.01.2024, Dienstag, 30.01.2024 16:15 - 17:45
Semester:WiSe 2023/24
Zeiten:Di. 16:00 - 18:00 (wöchentlich), Ort: 22/104, Termine am Dienstag, 21.11.2023, Dienstag, 28.11.2023, Dienstag, 05.12.2023, Dienstag, 12.12.2023, Dienstag, 09.01.2024, Dienstag, 16.01.2024, Dienstag, 23.01.2024, Dienstag, 30.01.2024 16:15 - 17:45, Ort: 41/B11, (22/104)
Erster Termin:Dienstag, 17.10.2023 16:00 - 18:00, Ort: 22/104
Beschreibung:This course consists of two thematic blocks. In the first part of the course we will reflect on the relationship between economic growth, well-being and the environment. We focus on questions such as “To what extent does environmental quality contribute to well-being?” or “How does the relationship between income and well-being look like?” Within the second part of the course we will have a closer look into how progress and sustainability are being measured. This means that we will focus on alternative concepts for measuring the development and societal progress of countries and examine and identify strengths and weaknesses of the same. Finally, we will consider practical applications of alternative indicators to investigate their performance in the real world.
Hinweise zur VeranstaltungThe selection of participants is done manually after the registration and based on individual applications. As an application, we ask to send your current performance record (OPIUM Leistungsnachweis) to bee-teaching@uni-osnabrueck.de. If you are part of the MSc program in Economics and are planning to do the specialization in ‚Sustainability, behavior and environmental policy‘, please indicate so in your application email. Students from the specialization and those close to finishing their studies will be given priority. Please note that this is an Economics seminar, not a BWL seminar. The application deadline is October, 1st.

A detailed description of the course is available here:
zur Veranstaltung in Stud.IP