Fachbereich 7

Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft

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[Bachelor] Environmental and Behavioral Economics
DozentIn:Prof. Dr. Stefanie Engel, Dr. Fabian Thomas
Veranstaltungstyp:Vorlesung und Seminar (Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen)
Ort:93/E31: Mo. 10:00 - 12:00 (14x), 93/E44: Do. 16:00 - 18:00 (14x) Fr. 14:00 - 16:00 (14x)
Semester:WiSe 2023/24
Zeiten:Mo. 10:00 - 12:00 (wöchentlich) - Lecture, Ort: 93/E31, Do. 16:00 - 18:00 (wöchentlich) - Lecture, Ort: 93/E44, Fr. 14:00 - 16:00 (wöchentlich) - Exercise session, Ort: 93/E44
Erster Termin:Montag, 16.10.2023 10:00 - 12:00, Ort: 93/E31
Beschreibung:The course provides an introduction into the fields of environmental and behavioral economics.
In the area of environmental economics, the following questions are addressed: What are significant environmental challenges of our time? Why do they exist, i.e. why does humanity act in ways that seem irrational from a societal point of view? How much environmental damage actually does make sense from a societal perspective, or should damage be avoided at all costs? What policy approaches can be used to address environmental challenges? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these? Are economic growth and globalized trade good or bad for the environment? What economic concepts of sustainability exist and what are essential approaches for a sustainability transformation?
In the field of behavioural economics, we extend the simplifying assumptions of neoclassical economics (so-called homo economicus) and take a more holistic view at human behavior at the interface with psychology. We focus on examples from the environmental sector. Questions addressed are: What factors determine human behavior? How can we be motivated to act in the interest of the common good (e.g. environmental protection)? What is the connection between environment and well-being?
In addition to video lectures with complementary Question-Answer sessions, there will be applied sessions picking up many examples from the current political debate, showing empirical evidence for theoretical concepts, inviting you to observe yourself and your own behaviour and to form your own qualified opinion on significant environmental topics and debates of our time. Homeworks and exercise sessions will permit testing and applying your new knowledge and practicing for the exam.
A detailed description of the event can soon be found in the 'Courseware' section here on StudIP. All online materials (schedule, bibliography, videos, slides, etc.) will also be organised there by the start of the course.
Hinweise zur VeranstaltungA detailed description of the course will soon be available under 'Courseware' here on StudIP.
Sessions on Mondays and Thursdays will be in presence (and recorded), sessions on Fridays (question-answer-quiz sessions) will be live online and not recorded. In addition, there will be video lectures.
LiteraturThe literature consists of individual textbook chapters, reports, academic articles and other materials and is in English. The detailed literature list with links will be made available at the beginning of the semester on StudIP under 'Dateien'. The following books can give a first impression:
• Tom Tietenberg and Lynne Lewis. Environmental and Natural Resource Economics. 11th edition. Routledge, 2018.
• Roger Perman et. al. Natural Resource and Environmental Economics. 4th edition. Pearson Education Limited, Essex, UK. 2011.
• Hanno Beck. Behavioral Economics. An introduction. Springer, 2014.
• Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein. Nudge: The final edition. Penguin Books, 2021.
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